Day 14: ooooooooooo snap we forgot day 13. Oh well.

27/01/2014 16:12

So, we skipped a day, nobody cares. All that was happening was the two brave warriors of the Frasor River. Is it Frasor or Fraser?. anyway the two... found the lost lake. Which is in Whistler. Wait, is it?. Anyway... they get to  this lost lake and they find the same thing before. a bunch of dead stuff. They were suprised a little because they didn't know why there were dead stuff.(They don't know who this croc is yet). So they keep searching and searching and searching and searching and searching and searching. I did that, the many searchings just to make it look like a long bog. My parents don't approove of smal blogs. Don't tell them I told you. DARE TO AND MR FATTY CROC WILL COME AND GET YOU. YOU LISTEN TO ME AND.....